A business interest is the involvement of an individual or their family members in any trade or profession, along with any direct interest they may have in any company providing goods or services to the Academy.
All members of the Board, the Principal and any staff who influence financial decisions, are expected to declare any business interests that they or any family member may have.
Pecuniary interests are the same as business interests; however, pecuniary interest is a wider term. Pecuniary interests include personal financial interests, such as involvement in a trust fund or investment, as well as potential interest.
Because of the nature of these interests, they cannot only be declared annually. All members of the Governing Body and all members of staff are made aware at Governor and staff meetings of the need to declare these interests, as they arise.
Declarations are made in writing to the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors and these are filed in a register of pecuniary interests.