In September 2021, we began working towards achieving the Wellbeing Award for Schools. We signed up for this award to further develop our work to promote positive wellbeing and mental health for the whole school community and gain accreditation for the ongoing work to promote positive well-being and mental health for the whole school community. It also ties in with our school’s vision and values.
There are eight objectives to achieve within the Wellbeing Award Framework, each containing several key performance indicators (KPIs). The award focuses on ensuring effective practice and provision are in place that promote the emotional wellbeing and mental health of both staff and pupils. The award will enable us to develop these practices where necessary and help us ensure that wellbeing is embedded in the long-term culture of our school. It will help us create an ethos where mental health is regarded as everyone's responsibility.
With this award, we will demonstrate our commitment to:
The initial award survey questionnaires allowed us to put together a strategy to allow us to develop over the year. The aims are appropriately challenging and will enhance the good work that already exists within the school. Our wellbeing strategy sets out how we are working towards positive mental health and wellbeing for all. Using the questionnaires that all stakeholders have completed, we have evaluated what we have done so far.
Please click here to view the GNSA Wellbeing Strategy
We are always looking to build on our existing provisions and value your thoughts. Following on from your feedback in person and the survey, we will continue to strengthen our aim of building positive wellbeing for all staff, students and parents at the school. There are a number of ways you can help us achieve this award. If you would like to help us, please contact Mrs Khilnani or Mrs Grewal via the school office.
We are proud to announce we have received the wellbeing award.
Please click on the PDF below to read the letter.