This redeveloped GNSA Behaviour for Learning Policy replaces the earlier version and gives a positive framework for all members of our school community to work within. Our students are well-behaved and want to learn. They value fairness and consistency, praise and reward and respond well to quality teaching and learning. They like to know they are treated the same and understand the systems that support and develop positive learning behaviours.
The Behaviour for Learning Policy will apply to students during the school day, on all school trips and events, on travel to and from school and at any time the student is wearing the uniform of the school. Where the Behaviour for Learning Policy is breached at other times and impacts on the education or wellbeing of students in the Academy the Behaviour for Learning Policy may still be applied.
This is a whole school Behaviour for Learning Policy, supported and followed by the whole school community, parents, staff, students and directors, which is based on a sense of shared values:
• By following the ‘SHARE’ values (seva, humility, achievement, respect and equality) to create a caring atmosphere in which teaching and learning can take place in a safe, caring and harmonious environment.
• To teach values and attributes, as well as knowledge and skills, in order to promote responsible behaviour, encourage self-discipline and to encourage students to respect themselves, others and property.
• To encourage positive behaviour, by providing a range of rewards for students of all ages and abilities.
• To make clear to students the distinction between minor and more serious misbehaviour and the range of consequences that will follow.
To record positive and negative behaviours we use a system called ClassCharts. Our behaviour management is quick and simple to use. We are able to monitor and motivate pupils with achievement and behaviour points in seconds. ClassCharts allows us to create instant reports for teachers, form tutors, pastoral teams and SLT and shareable with parents and pupils via our apps.
Each year a new group of Anti-bullying ambassadors are trained by the Diana Award. The training provides training and resources and support for people who are experiencing bullying behaviour, those who want to support someone who is experiencing bullying behaviour and for people like us, who are passionate about promoting an anti-bullying culture and communities of kindness. These students add another level of support for students who may be reluctant to come forward to an adult at first. Anti-bullying ambassadors impart their knowledge to other students in the school through assemblies and workshops.