Guru Nanak Sikh Academy prides itself on the quality of its pastoral care. All members of staff see it as their primary duty to ensure pupils at the school feel safe and happy.
Both the academic and support staff receive regular briefings and training on the ways in which we can show support to children as they navigate their way through getting older and meeting the challenges of life at school and life in an exciting multicultural city.
At the heart of the pastoral work at the school is an attention to the pupil as an individual child or young adult. At the different stages of the school, different challenges appear, but at the heart of it all is an individual pupil who wants to flourish and be happy in a way that is natural and right for her or him. Around the pupil is an array of teaching and support staff, as well as older, younger and contemporary pupils, forming communities that help children develop, learn, enjoy new and familiar things, and feel a sense of growing comfortable in their skin, exploring the world around them.
The school works closely with parents and a bond forms between pupil, home and school which helps the individual feel safe and cared for.
Pastoral care is organised into three sections of the School: KS3 (Years 7–9), KS4 (Years 10–11) and Sixth Form (Years 12–13). Each has its own Progress Leader who oversees the pastoral care, working with a dedicated team of teachers and an Administrative Assistant.
Every pupil in the school has a form from Year 7 to the final year, Year 13. The Form Tutor (who will change as the pupil progresses through KS3-4 works under the Assistant Principal for student support.
Mr J Dhillon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Secondary)
Pastoral Manager
Mental Health First Aider