Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
- 1P – Mrs Dhillon
- 1P LSA – Mrs Sidhu
- 1T – Mrs Juttla
- 1T LSA – Mrs Punia
Here at GNSA Primary, we aim to make the transition into Year 1 as smooth as possible. Pupils will still be learning through play, they will be exploring, discovering and taking part in drama and role-play activities. Their day may be a little more structured than it was in Reception but they will still also be learning in a variety of ways; through moving, exploring outdoors, in groups, on the carpet and even be walking around the school!
Year 1 Maths
In Year 1, pupils will need to count forwards and backwards up to 100. They will need to know their addition and subtraction facts to 20. They will start to learn about times tables through the use of simple multiplication and division problems, for which they will be given objects to help them work out what is being asked. Pupils will need to find half and a quarter of a shape or quantity. They will start to measure using standard units and will learn to tell the time to the hour and half-hour. They will learn to name some common 2D and 3D shapes.
Year 1 English
In Year 1 English, pupils will consolidate their learning of phonics and should become confident in being able to match each group of letters (eg: igh, ea, th) with the sound it makes. They will be encouraged to read a wide range of stories. Pupils will learn to spell a range of words containing the sounds already taught (eg: bright, ear, thick etc). They will learn to form all the letters of the alphabet in lower case and capitals. They will sequence sentences to form short stories. They will punctuate sentences with a capital and full stop, and will begin to learn about question marks and exclamation marks.
Year 1 Science
Year 1 pupils will learn about:
Plants, identifying and naming plants and looking at their basic structure.
Animals including humans, identifying and naming a range of animals and understanding how and why they are grouped.
Everyday materials, looking at their properties.
Seasonal changes, observing changes across the four seasons and looking at different types of weather.
Read a more detailed breakdown of topics taught under each subject on the curriculum maps found under curriculum information.
Autumn Term
This half-term we will be learning about:
English - Owl Babies (Narrative)
Maths – Number Sense, Additive Reasoning, Number & Place value & Adding and subtracting
Science - My Body
History - Toys in the Past
Art - Self Portraits
PSHE - Being Me in My World
The pupils will be given a homework wallet each Friday, which will contain their spellings, mental maths, weekend diary task book and their reading book. Homework will be set on a Friday and will be due in the following Tuesday. Occasionally we will set project work which the pupils will have longer to complete.
The pupils should be reading as much as possible, everyday for 10 minutes which will make a huge difference to their progress in reading. Also, Bug Club (for reading) and Manga High (for maths) homework is an online homework given each week.
It is also really important to practice counting regularly in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Once your child has mastered these please practice times tables. Start with the 2 x table and then progress to x5 and x10. Please also practice telling the time as this can be a difficult concept for pupils to learn. Any maths that can be applied to a real life context is really beneficial and some ideas include: recognising shapes, paying for items in shops and weighing when baking.
In order to take part in P.E lessons pupils must have the correct kit. Plimsolls/Trainers are also required. Please make sure all kit is named including shoes. A more detailed breakdown of the uniform can be found here.
Please speak to us if you have any questions!