EYFS | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Reception | Animals & Habitats Pupils learn to name woodland animals with a focus on owls. They look at owl nests being made up of twigs, leaves and feathers. Plants Pupils identify wild plants in their local area. Seasons Pupils consider the weather and look at trees and leaves. Properties of materials Pupils explore items that sink and float. Changes of states of matter Pupils observe how solid turns to liquid when making porridge |
Plants Pupils learn where different vegetables grow e.g. carrots in the ground. Habitats Pupils learn about habitats mentioned in stories that are studied, e.g. Antarctica, desert. Seasons Pupils observe the effects of Winter on our world. |
Animals Pupils learn how to identify different bears. Habitats Pupils learn about bear habitats - linked to Bear Hunt Seasons Pupils observe the effects of Winter on our world Properties of materials Pupils learn about the suitability of materials Space Pupils learn about basic gravity, forces (rocket going up) and astronaut diet. |
Animals Pupils learn about the life cycles of animals in the books they are reading - chicks/ducklings/butterflies Humans Pupils learn about the human life cycles and body parts Plants Pupils learn what a plant needs to survive and their lifecycle through observations over time. They go on to label - stem, leaves, roots, shoots, flowers and petals. Seasons Pupils observe the effects of Spring on our world. Properties of materials Pupils learn about the importance of recycling |
Properties of materials Pupils learn about the suitability of materials as part of their 3 little pigs text. Changes of states of matter Pupils look at changes in texture through the cooking process. Seasons Pupils observe the effects of Summer on our world |
Animals & Habitats Pupils learn about animals found in different habitats. Some characteristics are also studied e.g. patterns - stripes, spots. Pupils also look at pet care plans. Humans Pupils consider how they have changed physically over their life. Seasons Pupils observe the effects of spring on our world |