Key Stage 3 | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Health and Wellbeing | Living in the wider world | Relationships | Health and Wellbeing | Living in the wider world | Relationships | |
Year 7 Big Picture |
Transition to Secondary school How do I gain respect in the school community? Develop goal setting, organisational skills and self awareness. |
Careers How does teamwork and enterprise skills link to jobs? Developing skills and aspirations. |
Building relationships How do I recognise what a positive, healthy relationship is amongst friends and romantic relationships? Developing Self-worth and Self Esteem. |
Health and puberty What is Puberty? How do I maintain healthy routines during Puberty? How to recognise and respond to unwanted contact? What is FGM? Developing self confidence, self worth and support seeking skills. |
Diversity What is Diversity, prejudice, and how to respond to different types of bullying? Developing respect for beliefs, values and opinions and advocacy skills. |
Financial decision making How do I make safe financial choices? Developing decision making skills. |
Year 8 Big Picture |
Drugs and alcohol What are the facts and laws (on drugs, alcohol and tobacco)? How do I resist pressures, influences and make positive informed decisions relating to substances? Developing strategies to manage influence and access support. ------------------------------ First Aid How do I perform First Aid in an emergency situation? Develop Decision making skills. |
Community and careers How do I recognise and challenge stereotypes and discrimination at work? Developing assertive communication. |
Identity and relationships To know about sexual orientation, gender identity and diversity in sexual attraction. What are the laws relating to consent? What are the risks of ‘sexting’? What are the basic forms of contraception? Developing respect for beliefs, values and opinions and advocacy skills. |
Emotional wellbeing How do I develop positive attitudes towards mental health? How do I challenge myths and stigma including body image and coping strategies? Developing strategies to manage influence and access support. |
Discrimination What are the different types of Discrimination in all its forms? (including: racism, religious, disability, sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia) Developing risk management skills, analytical skills and strategies to identify bias. |
Recycling and the Environment How can we effectively reuse, recycle and reduce to help the environment? Developing strategies to manage influence and decision making. Digital Literacy How can I use social networking sites safely? How do I recognise biased or misleading information online? Developing values and strategies to manage influence. |
Year 9 Big Picture |
Peer influence, substance use and gangs How do I manage difficulties and challenges in friendships? How can I develop strategies to manage pressure to join a gang and/or engage in substance use? Developing self- confidence, risk management and strategies to manage influence. |
Setting goals How do I make informed decisions about GCSE options. What are the Laws and right to relating to young people’s employment? Developing goal-setting, analytical skills and decision making. |
Intimate relationships What are the myth and misconceptions in relation to Consent? How does the media portray sex (including pornography)? How to make informed decisions about sexual health and access reliable advice and support. To know about sexually transmitted infections and how to reduce chances of transmission. Developing assertive communication, clarifying values and strategies to manage influence. |
Healthy lifestyle To know how to make healthy, informed decisions about maintaining physical health. What are prevention measures, cancer awareness and the importance of self- examination? Developing decision making and strategies to manage influence and access support. |
Respectful relationships How do I manage relationship and family changes, including relationship breakdown, separation and divorce? What are the different types of families and parenting? (including single parents, same sex parents, blended families, adoption and fostering) Developing respect for values and opinions, self- confidence and empathy. |
Enterprise Project TBC with S.Pannu. What skills and qualities do I need for employment? Developing goal-setting, analytical skills and decision making. |